“To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow.” — Audrey Hepburn

Ok folks, it’s been a while. What has your Bookmobile lady been up to? Well reading of course.
I am sure you know Kristin Hannah’s new book The Women is number 1 on the best seller lists. Let me tell you why. The Women chronicles female nurses in Vietnam. It speaks in detail through these women what they saw, what they heard. The pleas for help and the stench everywhere they looked. They were thrust into a beautiful lush green jungle where terror was only a step away. They were on every day bone tired, wet, dirty, bloody, mentally exhausted and still unfailing in their capacity to offer aid to the soldiers who were brought into their mobile hospital. They worked tirelessly beside the doctors and other medical staff. However, they were not being recognized as nurses in the war. This is something I did not realize until I read the book. No one even believed they served. But the men were surely recognized for their war efforts. The women who returned home left with PTSD could not seek treatment at a VA facility. Only the men who served could be treated. I encourage you to follow these women and their gut wrenching journey through the jungles of Vietnam and the ravaged villages as they try to administer help and medical care to more than they have hands or hours for. Please follow along as they return home only to be spit upon and called names. How will they find peace among their own when they return home? They no longer feel they belong anywhere except in the jungles of Vietnam. This book was so moving I absolutely could not put it down. This one will stick with you I promise!
After this life altering novel I read Sisters in Arms by Kaia Alderson, The first and only all-Black battalion of the WAC’s. This is their untold story of what their life was like to be deployed overseas during WWII. They had to fight to be recognized and respected for their war effort. It’s another moving novel that I hope you won’t miss.
So after these two I dug back into a Danielle Steel, Message from Nam. This book goes through the life of Paxton Andrews, a girl from Savannah Georgia who aspires to be a journalist. She doesn’t want to write the society column. She wants to go to Vietnam and report the real news of the horrifying war in the jungles. This book falls on the heels of the assassination of JFK and the draft to Vietnam. Paxton, after much disapproval from her mother and much older brother sets off to Berkley CA where she meets 3 roommates. Together they share all the upheavals and struggles of the 60’s. Follow her determination and her crew into the jungles where the real reporting takes place. She like other female Vietnam soldiers has to fight for her place as well as trying to stay alive. She also returns home and cannot find her place. Follow as she re-enlists for another tour of duty to the only place she feels needed; The Jungle. I forgot how much I loved this book. It’s so well written and you leave your heart with our character on every page. Choose this throw back for something different this spring.
I read a new book also by Danielle Steel titled Never Too Late. It chronicles Kezia, her daughter Kate, Felicity, Sam and his son John during a horrific terrorist attack on NYC. Follow along as these characters are intertwined with many others as they navigate such a bone chilling attack. These characters will come together in unimaginable ways to show the strength and hope of all New York. It’s truly a great read!
Ok, I’m going to give you one I chose simply by the cover. The Engineer's Wife by Tracey Emerson Wood. This book is based on the true story of the woman who built the Brooklyn Bridge. What a historical account to this magnificent bridge that stands today bridging the span between Brooklyn and Manhattan. Our main character and heroine Emily Warren Robeling is much involved with the women’s suffrage movement. She has to put this cause and her dreams on hold to in fact build the Brooklyn Bridge. She marries Washington (Wash) Roebling who is the chief engineer along with his father. During the course of the build his father is killed along with countless others while erecting the structure high above the east river. After Wash is injured on the job Emily’s role becomes clear. She will be his eyes, ears and messenger. She studies his books, his plans and all aspects of the build she must help complete. There is a lively cast of characters including P.T. Barnum yes the one and only Greatest Show on Earth-Circus Grand Leader and Trainer. How would a circus leader become involved not only in the build of the bridge but that in the life of Emily Roebling? This book is so fascinating, heart wrenching and well written that I was immediately transported to this era of 1864-1883. Oh my goodness if you love historical fiction based on a true story don’t miss this one! Also at the end of the book please read the author’s note. She lists how the story came to be, the research she dug through and also where you can actually view the artifacts this story came from. There is a plaque that is still today a part of the Brooklyn Bridge. It is dedicated to Emily Roebling. This book would be an awesome Book Club Read!
My BCD’s I’ve listened to were:
Studies at the School by the Sea (Book 4) by Jenny Colgan — Our characters are Maggie Adair from Downy House for Girls and David from Philip Dean a co-ed school, both from Cornwall, England. What happens as Maggie and David are finally free to be together? Follow along as they navigate the schools by the sea, the all- girls school with Maggie and the Co-ed school with David. Are they able to bring these two much different styles of education together to form a cohesive learning experience? If you are up on these prior 3 books remember Stan? Well you are in for a shocker of an ending! Travel to Cornwall and all points in between with me in this sweet, funny and touching story.
Royal by Danielle Steel — Do you ever fantasize about being Royal? Or wonder what it would be like to be part of that life? Please listen to this BCD or check it out in book form available here at the library and follow The Queen, King and their three daughters. You must remember this story takes place during WWII. Their youngest daughter Charlotte suffers from asthma and must be sent to the country for her health as the bombing debris makes it hard for her to breathe. Read or listen along to what happens to her there as she resides with a lovely family. Follow her adventures, tragedies and miracles: But this story involves so much more. There is a Princess yes, but not Charlotte, who will travel back to England and have to prove who she is and work to find her rightful place as a Royal! This book is quite good.
I’ve started reading Kathie Lee Gifford’s new book I Want to Matter, Your Life is Too Short and Too Precious to Waste. She gives you a daily read as well as food for thought and an exercise of the mind. I have been reading one each morning as I arrive to work. So uplifting and needed right now.
Check out some new DVD’s too! Barbie, Mean Girls, Migration, Freelance, Wonka, and so many more just in here at the library for your viewing pleasure.

I am going to include a new Spring recipe I’ve been tinkering with:
Creamsicle Fluff
1 pkg Orange Jello
1 tub cool whip (8 ounce)
4 ounces sour cream
¾ cup coconut
1 small can mand. Oranges (drained)
1 small can crushed pineapple (drained)
½ cup chopped pecans
½ cup mini marshmallows
Mix together thoroughly cool whip, sour cream and jello gelatin until uniform color and no streaks.
Add drained oranges and crushed pineapple. Mix well
Add coconut, marshmallows, pecans and gently combine
Pour into an airtight container and refrigerate 2-3 hours before serving or overnight to let flavors blend.
Enjoy this light and refreshing dessert on a sweet spring evening!
Things to do this Spring:
Pick up some seed packs at the Library Reference Desk and place in cute pots around your deck or patio and watch them grow.
Sign up for the next Painting with Sarah Class
Join in on the Puzzle Swap
Join the Friends of the Library Group
Come to the next Book Club Meeting!

Time to declutter my friends. Remember there are a lot of places and programs that will be glad to take your slightly used items.
Our Bookmobile Department has been busy so far this Spring. We attended the Pre-K Expo at the Convention Center and the No Limit Invitational at WWHS. We handed out books and goodies to over 200 plus kids and adults.
We are now in the process of doing our final pick up of books at our Raleigh County Public and Private Schools. We are cleaning and getting the books in ship shape for next year!
Let’s think ahead as Summer Reading Programs are rapidly approaching. Check our website at rcplwv.org or call 304-255-0511 for details on the Bookmobile schedule. See when we will be stopping in your area. Our summer dates are June 24-July 26. Our theme this summer is “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss.
Contact Raleigh County Public Library at 304-255-0511 or visit our website at rcplwv.org for more information about Summer Reading Program Dates and sign-ups for children, teens and adults.
“Flowers can’t solve all problems, but they’re a great start.” — L.M. Montgomery
Happy Spring my friends,
The Bookmobile Lady