Don't have a library card? Haven't used yours in several years?
New to the area? Here are some details to help you get a library card!

Your WVLN library card is accepted in 114 libraries across the state and can be used to download digital books, movies, music, and more!
Youth from the ages of 0 to 17 may obtain a library card; however, a parent/legal guardian is required to sign the library card application accepting cardholder responsibilities for his/her child under 18 years of age.
Library cards are issued for one year. At the end of this time, a verification of information is required for continued use.
Should you lose your card, you will be charged $1.00 for a new one (when ID is shown).
You are responsible for all materials checked out on your card, so do not loan it to others and report lost or stolen cards to us promptly.
Temporary deposit cards are available for patrons who do not have an in state ID or address. With a photo ID and proof of address, an out-of-state patron may apply for a card, pay a deposit and check out no more than two items at a time.
You must present library card or photo ID to check out materials or use computers. You also need a library card and pin number to check out our digital books and to access our other various free digital resources.
Adult applicants are required to furnish photo identification with current address OR two of the following:
Piece of recently cancelled mail received by you at your current address
Driver's license
Social security card *not retained by library
Birth certificate
Military ID
Check book with current address
Voter registration card with current address
If you are unable to physically enter our building, please contact library director for options.

Call 304-558-2045 to apply for a State Library Card. You will have access to more titles, resources, and even more hoopla checkouts!