My First Post
December has been a busy month for the Bookmobile. It started off with the annual Beckley Christmas Parade on December 4. The Bookmobile was dressed up as a Gingerbread house complete with candies, icing and lights. The elves worked hard for several days completely transforming our sweet treat on wheels. All our hard work definitely paid off as we won a 1st place trophy for non-profit business category. All the elves were so happy we had brought so much cheer to the community. It was a great parade and received so much participation this year. It was quite special. Wonder what the Bookmobile will come up with next year? Stay tuned…

As many staff at the library knows, the Bookmobile Lady is an avid watcher of Hallmark movies. Of course I am binge watching Christmas movies this month, so I checked out the DVD, A Timeless Christmas. If you like a little time travel sprinkled with romance, you may want to check out this new movie located at the Beckley branch. A future thinking inventor travels from 1903 to 2020 where he finds his mansion has been turned into a museum with daily re-enactments of his life since his disappearance in 1903. With no fortune, and the help of a member of the museum staff, his life and hers start to unfold. This movie is different from what you might expect from Hallmark; very enjoyable…
*A Timeless Christmas is based on the book bearing the same title by Alexis Stanton.

Our next upcoming event is the Mac’s Toy Fund. The Bookmobile will be making deliveries for Santa. We will deliver much needed toys, coats, gloves, hats, as well as many other items to less fortunate children in Raleigh County. Once again, our elves will be outdoing themselves to make a difference in the community. We are super excited about this adventure and we are very grateful to Mac’s Toy Fund for allowing us to partner with them this year.